In WAX-O-DENTAL IN-NOVATIONS being manufacturers selling online, we have the luxury to provide to our customers even more efficient services and products.
Hence, we have developed and we provide the ultimate weapon in the hands of the dental lab’s waxman i.e the ALL AROUND WAX-UP Kit.
Namely, in this versatile kit the dental lab waxman can find all types of WAX-O-DENTAL unique preforms-bridges for all types of Fixed Prosthetics : Metal-ceramics framework, all ceramic facings and pressed bridgework, implants, gnathological acrylic bridgework and diagnostic wax-ups/short-term temporaries, long-term provisionals.
Advantages :
Delivery includes :
The WAX-O-DENTAL CERAMIXTM prefabricated wax preforms for Metal-Ceramics gathers a selection of 100 different forms, from our Total collection of 428 forms , incorporated into 6-unit (13-23,43-33) and 4-unit anterior and posterior blocks of flexible and easy-to-carve real and not plastic wax , designed and carved by John Koutavas.C.D.T for conveniency and unmatched productivity, based on the offered capability of choosing the appropriate to your case form , free of making time and effort-consuming adjustments.
Note: No bicolour distinction is necessary as the carved anatomical differences between upper an lower jaw pontics are clear. The wax preforms come in a well-arranged assortment box with a more or less actual size photo-chart on the lid and with additional space for storing separately the individual wax elements underneath each base foam-rubber in the correct compartment.
The ANATOMICAL DENTAL SHELL kit is introduced to be a system that primarily with the IPS e-max offers precisely a guaranteed optimum result already from the diagnostic wax-up stage without the wax-up even being a time-consuming procedure as demonstrated in the displayed photos.
Ready-made ivory wax facings-veneer bridges out of 100% ash-free organic,super flexible and easy-to-scrape and model wax.Due to the unique 104 forms in this kit,selected from our Total collection of 248 forms incorporated into 6-unit ( 13-23 , 43-33 ) , 4-unit & 3-unit anterior and posterior wax veneer patterns with prefabricated occlusion they allow to reach production efficiency superior to many other kinds of methods for :
Diagnostic wax-ups/temporaries (instructions video),Implant cases,Long-term provisionals,Pressable ceramics, all ceramic facings / laminates.
The ANATOMICAL DENTAL SHELLTM kit is composed of the broadest variety of forms of wax veneer bridges on the market,all designed and carved by John Koutavas.C.D.T. The wax patterns come in a well-arranged assortment box with a more or less actual size photo-chart on the lid and with additional space for storing separately the individual pontics underneath each base foam-rubber in the correct compartment.
The WAX-O-DENTAL FULL CONTOUR PONTICSTM prefabricated wax solid pontic wax bridges for speed wax-ups of pontic areas for diagnostic models, gnathological wax-ups and temporary bridgework (instructions video) gathers a selection of 104 forms from the Total Assortment of 224 forms incorporated in 6-unit (13-33,43-33) and 4-unit anterior and posterior solid pontic wax bridges with prefabricated occlusion PAT.NO.1005890.
They are all designed and carved by John Koutavas.C.D.T, identical labially,buccally and occlusally to the corresponding wax veneers for conveniency and unmatched productivity,based on the given capability of choosing the appropriate to your case form,free of making time and effort-consuming adjustments.
The wax patterns come in a well-arranged assortment box with a more or less actual size photo-chart on the lid and with additional space for storing separately the individual pontics underneath each base foam-rubber in the correct compartment.
The WAX-O-PRESS SYSTEM is introduced to be a system that primarily with the IPS InLine PoM Multi (Press-on-Metal) offers precisely a guaranteed optimum result already from the wax-up stage without wax-up being even necessary as demonstrated on the photos above.
The patented innovation WAX-O-DENTAL WAX-O-PRESS SYSTEMTM for porcelain pressed-on-metal ceramics constitutes a system of pairs of prefabricated wax veneer patterns precarved to fit over hollow pontic frames for practically zero time wax-up of the external anatomical surface of the ready-to-press “complete” wax bridge. The patented Wax-O-Press System gathers a selection of the Total Assortment program of of 202 forms of wax veneers incorporated into 56 6-unit,4-unit and 3-unit anterior and posterior wax veneer blocks with prefabricated occlusion all designed and carved by John Koutavas.C.D.T, to fit over their 160 yellow-coloured paired hollow pontic frames with one goal:
Once you have cast the hollow pontic frame into metal all there is left to do is to apply the corresponding wax veneer pattern over the metal frame which is designed to fit perfectly over it ,complete it from the lingual surface with some ash-free wax and proceed with the thermopressing of the practically prefabricated “complete” wax-metal bridge(instructions video).The porcelain pressed-on-metal wax patterns come in a well-arranged assortment box with an actual size photo-chart on the lid and with additional space for storing separately the individual pontics underneath each base foam-rubber in the correct compartment.
Moreover, the yellow wax preforms of the kit are compatible with any one-layer metal-ceramic system as the IPS InLine One as well any conventional metal-ceramic system as the IPS InLine.
The Assortment of WAX-O-DENTAL IN-INOVATIONS prefabricated wax pontics for implants gathers a program of 104 shapes-sizes incorporated in 6-unit and 4-unit anterior and posterior blocks,designed and carved by John Koutavas.C.D.T for conveniency and unmatched productivity,based on the offered capability of choosing the appropriate to your case form,free of making time and effort-consuming adjustments and holes in the metal-ceramic pontic blocks. Note: No bicolour distinction is necessary as the carved anatomical differences between upper an lower jaw pontics are prominent.The wax patterns come in a well-arranged assortment box with a more or less actual size photo-chart on the lid and with additional space for storing separately the individual pontics underneath each base foam-rubber in the correct compartment.
The WAX-O-DENTAL ACRYLIC BRIDGEWORKTM ready-made wax patterns for metal-acrylic bridgework gathers a selection of 152 forms,from the Total Assortment of 480, incorporated in 6-unit(13-23 , 43-33) and 4-unit anterior(lingual surfaces) and their corresponding labial surfaces(facings) for all-acrylics/long-term provisionals as well.Moreover,the kit includes posterior hollow pontic frames and occlusal surfaces both with precarved occlusion PAT.NO 1005890.
All patterns are made of flexible and easy-to-carve real and not plastic wax and are designed and carved by John Koutavas C.D.T for conveniency and unmatched productivity,based on the offered capability of choosing the appropriate to your case form,free of making time and effort-consuming adjustments. The wax patterns come in a well-arranged assortment box with a more or less actual size photo-chart on the lid and with additional space for storing separately the individual elements (single pontics) underneath each base foam-rubber in the correct compartment.
The WAX-O-DENTAL MULTI-USE HOLLOW PONTICSTM prefabricated wax hollow pontic frames for full coverage,acrylic or porcelain gathers a selection of 64 from the Total Assortment of 184 forms incorporated in 2-unit & 4-unit anterior & posterior hollow blocks of flexible and easy-to-carve real and not plastic wax,all designed and carved by John Koutavas.C.D.T for conveniency and unmatched productivity,based on the offered capability of choosing the appropriate to your case form,free of making time and effort-consuming adjustments. The wax patterns come in a well-arranged assortment box with a more or less actual size photo-chart on the lid and with additional space for storing separately the individual pontics underneath each base foam-rubber in the correct compartment.